Via-30-Plus's avatar


Aged 30+ come and join us!
Years Ago
56 Members62 Watchers

Comments 173

anonymous's avatar
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PendragonArts-GEA's avatar
Bummer, looks like you guys are not really active anymore. I totally get it. If you become active again, I would love a reinvite from you. :heart:
animangaboy's avatar
Yep, I try to join and it expired. It sucks because mostly groups are for teens like half my age...Sweating a little... 
PendragonArts-GEA's avatar
Yea, lol... good thing, art has no age expiration date! lol... I'm old enough to be everyone's parents here and some, XD!!!
animangaboy's avatar
Haha, of course!:D (Big Grin)  Yikes, I hope not that old!=P (Razz)  I think the group is dead now; nothing will be fixed.
PendragonArts-GEA's avatar
Sadly my submission expired. If you would like, I would welcome a request for this work, if you feel it fits your gallery. Savage Garden by Pendragon-Arts
Pajunen's avatar
Thank you for the request! :bow:
supersnappz16's avatar
Your very welcome my friend.