The Adventure: Treading the waste'sVenusTheHothico on DeviantArt

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The Adventure: Treading the waste's



"The wastes were certainly an unforgiving place. Your mouth felt dry, like you hadn’t had a single drop of water for weeks, even though you had only been out here for a few hours. Sadly, you dropped your canteen a few miles back when some insectoid creature leapt out at you from beneath the sands. Turning back might have been the better option, you realize that now. Then, in the distance, a cluster of… trees? Foliage? You pick up the pace, rushing towards what you hope isn’t a mirage in the distance. It’s real, a small spring in the middle of the wastes, crowded by a vibrant abundance of plant life. You take time to refresh yourself and make sure to mark down the coordinates of this place. If others know about it, you may be able to venture further into the desert on your trips now." - Done By Kujiikins And Then Drawn out -
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