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  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (6)
My Bio

Current Residence: Hollis NY
Shell of choice: Golden ratio @_____@
Personal Quote: "Wise men say forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for a late pizza." --Michela

Favourite Games
LoZ: ALttP
Other Interests

Magnum Opus

0 min read
"Plaything? I should say not. It is my egg sac, my magnum opus .""I don't know what a magnum opus is," said Wilbur."That's Latin," explained Charlotte. "It means 'great work.' This egg sac is my great work -- the finest thing I have ever made."-- Charlotte's Web , by E. B. White. My magnum opus has been posted today: the Ferras Family Tree. Take a gander-ander-ander. ^_^;; I'm quite proud of it.
anonymous's avatar
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Awesome Friends

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Kat and Angel, you guys are t3h_roxx0r. Your recent art -- that you've done for me :blush: -- is so amazingly wonderful. You are fantastic and talented artists and I humble myself before you both. :bow:(I'm a Zelda fangirl, yeah. But that's not why I faved it all. XD)
anonymous's avatar
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I have an icon!

0 min read
At long last, a dA icon.Of course, no one understands it. XD It's the Cube Sunflower! Ignore me.... and accept the Cube. It's here to stay forever (or at least until a better inside joke (or teeny tiny Link/Triforce piccie) comes along).
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Profile Comments 38

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qtpie235's avatar
So all day on Facebook everyone's been posting pictures from Hetalia Day (which I couldn't go to, grrr), and I'm looking through the pictures trying to spot my friend, and I see a Seychelles that looks awfully familiar...cue spontaneous outburst of "Dude, I know that girl!" So now I'm even more upset that I couldn't go, because I missed out on a chance to hang out with you again (You probably don't remember me, but we hung out during NYCC '08). Ah well, maybe next time? I think the next con I'll be going to is NYAF /NYCC next year, since I'll be in college then and won't have to ask my parents' permission XD
Veniedoodle's avatar
LOL Haven't logged into dA in three months. Sorry to have kept you waiting.

UMMMM HI. I don't remember you, but only because you haven't told me who you are yet. NYCC 08... so you're probably in the Avatar fandom. That's all I've got. XD But cool to know you're into Hetalia, too. Have you joined the NYC Hetalia Friendlies group on FB? (Hint: you should, to keep up with group-planned events.)

I'll see you at NYAF/CC, then! ^_^;;
qtpie235's avatar
Haha, it's okay, I log onto dA like once a month now ^^' And you're right, I am an Avatar fangirl! Hmmm, how do I narrow this down...I hung out with you and another girl cosplaying as Zutara on Saturday and Sunday. I think we were in the same group watching the trailer and getting signatures from Mike and Bryan. And later Saturday night we were standing on line together for the concert (which I couldn't stay for because I had to go home T_T). Does that help at all, or should I supply a picture? XD

I'm not as hardcore a Hetalia fan as some of my friends, but I do think the show has a cool concept and I'm trying to catch up on what's going on. I'll definitely join the FB group though =D

See you in October!
Homicidal-Bunni's avatar
Seychelles! <3
It's Japan from NYAF.
Veniedoodle's avatar
Oh hey, what's up? :D
Homicidal-Bunni's avatar
Chilling out, maxing out, relaxing all cool, and shooting some B-ball outside of the school.
SweetnessnaRose's avatar

Spread the DA love around!

1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 6 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their user page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!

Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am one (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!) If You Get 7 Back You Are Loved!

1-3: you're a bad friend
4-6: you're an ok friend
7-9: you're a good friend
10-& Up: you're a great friend