Entoloma Lividum (Sinuatum)Vendepatrias on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vendepatrias/art/Entoloma-Lividum-Sinuatum-1136641622Vendepatrias

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Entoloma Lividum (Sinuatum)


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A remarkable specie this one, because many reasons.

I always become happy as Larry each time i spot em, despite their innate toxicity.

Ah so strange... this specie is gorgeous, showy, big, fleshy, with a pleasant and floury scent, a tasty and yummy flavour.... and provokes violent intoxications.

As i already told you in other deviation, i still remember some testimonials about people reporting to doctors how yummy they were, just before becoming horribly sick.

That's the reason this specie is known as "the perfidious".

But let's talk a bit about their features, yes... i'm delaying.

As i said this shroom is cute and big, even huge (i once found a specimen with a big and fat 30cm stem, curved and thick as a zucchini), with smooth, silky and greyish cap.

The gills are a important feature to identify it, as they are yellow in young specimens, that turns to pink-salmon when becomes adult; and the stem is greyish and fleshy too, as i said before.

This specie is dangerous not only because being a toadstool. We should know it very well because can be easily confused with edible species as the Clitocybe Nebularis (that has the same shades and scent, except at the whitish gills they have), or even with the Calocybe Gambosa, despite being a spring shroom and having white overall colours.

In any case, here we see a very special mushroom, with great personality, at least to me.

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5152x3864px 6.33 MB
Canon PowerShot SX410 IS
Shutter Speed
1/50 second
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6 mm
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Date Taken
Sep 30, 2021, 12:56:41 PM
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© 2024 - 2025 Vendepatrias
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SerpentPirateQueen's avatar

I love how wavy it's cap is