Favourite Visual Artist
Love the works of a guy called Dibujante-nocturno here on Deviantart (dibujantenocturno on insta)
Favourite Movies
Aliens (preferably the first 3), LOTR, Star Wars (everyone of them has it's own charm)
Favourite TV Shows
Game of Thrones. Rarely watch TV shows, so i'm very selective.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Top 3 right now is Devin Townsend, Leprous, David Maxim Micic
Favourite Books
LOTR trilogy, The Hobbit, Silmarillion, All the Harry Potter books
Favourite Writers
JRR Tolkien, Dean R Koontz. Haven't read that much since i passed the age of 25
Favourite Games
Witcher 3, Skyrim, Dragon Age Inquisition. Games with big open worlds preferably
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC and various versions of Playstation
Tools of the Trade
Pencils and paper