Twisted Space - Pg1Vederick on DeviantArt

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Twisted Space - Pg1



And so it begins...:worry:

It's gonna be a little rough at first because even though I had a lot of stuff sketched out and resources sorted on my computer I haven't been doing TS for quite a while so I need to get back in the swing (especially since I've been working to emulate the style of a completely different show for some time now), so please pardon the rough start - art-wise :blush:. Unlike D.W., though, I'm not going to try to match the Cyberchase aesthetic quite as closely (as you can see), hopefully that won't bother anyone too much. :shrug: 

Starting from today I hope to upload a new page every Sunday at the very least (sometimes I might do a double-page if I think the 'scene' requires it) as long as nothing unexpected happens. As for canon the only things you need to know is this takes place after the Encryptor Chip has been destroyed but does NOT include the events of the movie.

Oh, and along the way if anyone has any tips they can tell me about comic-making (panel layout, etc), don't hesitate to speak up :wave:
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Inspector-Spinda's avatar

Rereading this from the beginning :3 your background art has always blown me away