Character Profile: Santiago CerveraVarezart on DeviantArt

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Character Profile: Santiago Cervera



Name: Santiago Cervera
Gender: male
Age: 25
Rank: Commander, Terran Alliance Military Forces (TAMF)
Height: 1.86 meters
Weight: 80 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

Personality: Serious and professional, Santiago is a soldier to the bone. He cares about his companions and soldiers. He is reluctant to display his emotions in public. By the way, he is single, girls XD

Mobile Suit: TGW-004C Tercio (limited production MS) [link]

Type: limited production Heavy Assault Mobile Suit
Height: 19.0 meters
Weight: 66.9 tons
Armament: 1 beam rifle, 2x60mm Vulcan Guns, 2 beam saber, 2x3-slot Hand Grenade Rack, 2x Beam Cannons, 1 shield.

The Tercio is the result of the need of an assault Mobile Suit. Built with the heavy support fire in mind, the generator of the Tercio is capable of firing to beam cannons designed to attack enemy warships and fortresses. The pilot can purge the cannons, increasing the speed and maneuverability of the machine.
First tested on the Tercio, the Lorica armor was a series of heavy armor plates grafted to the main body of the Mobile Weapon. Though it granted the Tercio superior defensive capabilities (it withstood direct hits during tests), it weighs down the suit. The Lorica armor can be purged, liberating the Mobile Weapon and allowing it to move at greater speed. The Tercio has potent thrusters that allowed the Suit to move at a good speed even with the Lorica put on.
The Tercio is capable of provide fire support and join a melee combat.


Born in Spain from a rich family, Santiago went to some prestigious schools where he learnt a lot and was praised as a promising child. When the time came, Santiago entered the military, following the family tradition. After years of serving in different places of the Earth, he was transfered to the Space Forces, where he fought against rebels, pirates and smugglers.

PS: Yeah, I know that the image is of Courand Hugues of Gundam UC 0081, but I need a pic for my character on a Gundan RPG and I like the image so deal with it XD
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zackBlack16's avatar
a second profile for the same guy?