construction of the face IVvanessarehm on DeviantArt

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construction of the face IV



New stuff on the same old exercise!
Gotta say, this time I'm pretty happy with how the lines turned out. My construction lines (1st sketch) are clean and less messy than they used to be in my other exercises where they always turned out regged and hairy which I feel like is always an indication for insecurity. This now might be a result of practicing them over and over again so I didn't have to think too much about them anymore.
The planes of the head (2nd sketch) are still quite messy though. I may need to work a bit more on my lineweight there to get an idea which plane to emphasize and which won't be as exposed later on.
Quite happy with the final linework (3rd sketch) still. This time i tried to put less weight on my lines and just imply some of the forms to make the features of the face easier to read. The edges of the lips for example are heavier than the middle parts which gives them a fresher look. I might try that for the whole face next time and not only the lips lol.
/edit: looking at my first construction exercise i just realized my final lineweight was pretty neat actually, the second one was ok too, but then in the third one it seems like i just completely forgot about all that stuff and didn't give a fuck about any lines at all anymore, no idea what happened there hahaha.

Check out my shading exercise IV to see the final outcome of this piece.

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