construction of the face IIvanessarehm on DeviantArt

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construction of the face II



[ for a closer (and clearer) look at the planes of the head, check out my construction of the face VI and construction of the face V ]

Second try of drawing a portrait.
As I mentioned on my first shading exercise I need to work on clear edges and controlling the values to keep highlights and reflected lights separated. Also I realised that the lineart of the last drawing was pretty messy when it came to the planes of the head which may have been one reason my shading turned out so blurry and washed out.

So this time i tried to keep my sketch of the planes (2nd sketch on this page) as clean as possible to get sharp edges of the shapes. Also i blocked out the basic values of the midtones, shadows and highlights to build the following nuances on top of these to avoid messy shadows and lights.

Check out the shading exercise for this sketch to see the final result!

Reference: @alessioalbi
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