Poyomon girlVanessaAtalanta on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vanessaatalanta/art/Poyomon-girl-1144498717VanessaAtalanta

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Poyomon girl


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Hello guys! How are you? I hope everything is fine.

There is my first illustration of the year: a humanized version of poyomon 😀 I'm with this idea of doing a humanized version of each digimon as a cute girl - let's see if I can do at least ten of them this year 😂 It was very very fun for me to do this illustration. I hope that you enjoy it too guys.

As many of you already know I had a baby last year and now she's almost one year old, so I hope that from now on she will let me draw and paint more 😅 Last year was very very hard: she wanted to be cuddle all the time and I couldn't make time to do almost nothing than take care of her 🤡 But now that she's bigger it seems that She's more interested in play and explore than in being cuddle all the time so hopefully I will be able to return at work.

Thanks for all the support guys! See you soon!


Sticker of this illustration: https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/poyo-girl-by-VaneArtwork/167686358.EJUG5?ref=explore-for-you-recently-viewed

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ellenent's avatar

That's so cute!!! ;3;