BenBou-72webvampk1tty on DeviantArt

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August 21, 2020
BenBou-72web by vampk1tty
Featured by Queen-Kitty
vampk1tty's avatar




model Ben
photo vampkitty_

May '20 - #Berlin

Usually I do not share my 'Business-Photography' here, but this time I couldn't resist.
Ben is starting his own business with gardening. It was a pleasure to see him being passionate about plants and sharing his visions with me. Also he was the first client after the lockdown, when I was feeling very unsafe and was afraid,  that the situation is blocking me in taking pictures and seeing beauty. While I'm still struggling and shooting way less than in the past years, his energy and optimistic attitude helped me a lot to get back my belief in everything is going to be okay again.
Thank you 🌱

Image size
1365x2048px 1 MB
© 2020 - 2025 vampk1tty
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AngeliqueBestow1118's avatar
Very beautiful picture