BunadVampireCherry on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vampirecherry/art/Bunad-158742615VampireCherry

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In Norway, it is common to wear bunad as a costume at various celebrations,such as: folkdances ,weddings,and especially the May 17 National Day celebrations. In recent years, its use has reached far outside folk dancing, folk music, and particular holidays. Accepted as proper gala attire, it is increasingly common to see people, and especially women, dressed in bunad. The former Norwegian foreign minister, Thorvald Stoltenberg, created history by presenting his accreditation as ambassador to Margrethe II of Denmark dressed in a bunad.

(But since I am a Russ this year instead, I will be wearin my Russ uniform at the 17 instead of my Bunad)

Here is a potrate of me in my Bunad. I was 15 at the time it was taken
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sumbreon's avatar
i want one but NOO, not until your confirmation... dårlig gjort.. '3'