VSS Vintorez  Sniper Rifle Lowpoly GamereadyValterJHerson on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/valterjherson/art/VSS-Vintorez-Sniper-Rifle-Lowpoly-Gameready-1153187667ValterJHerson

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VSS Vintorez Sniper Rifle Lowpoly Gameready



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Model: 28 910 tris

Material count: 6 (+ 1 for the cartridge, +3 for the PSO, +1 for the bigger unreleased mag. Damn I'm in love with modularity)

Texture sizes: 1x 1kx2k, 3x 2kx4k, 2x 2kx2k

All made in 125-175 hours (I did not care about the hours as this project was made on a daily basis after finishing my main job/work).

Let me tell you more about the creation process:

Main model was done in Plasticity, after that I've exported it as .fbx. Retopologized and UV'd that fbx in Blender. After that I've exported all the topology that Plasticity "spit" to Zbrush, dynameshed it all, decimated and exported the main FBX as highpoly model. After that I've baked the retopologized and UV'd version in Marmoset Toolbag. Texturing took the most, probably the 2/3s of the overall time. Texturing was done in Substance Painter. Final renders are made using Marmoset Toolbag and I've added a little bit of retouching in Lightroom.

Most of the details were made in Substance Painter. All the machine milling, normal damages and some other little details. To be honest, It's not this big of a deal, just because my texel density is not that high. It's on a lower side, but It's enough for these kind of shots, so I guess I've pushed it as hard as I could.

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Image size
3840x2160px 5.93 MB
© 2025 ValterJHerson
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