RenFest and Extra-Life!

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ValNika's avatar
Hey everyone, and a big welcome to my new watchers!! <3

Just a quick update...

I'm attending the Maryland RenFest this Saturday! I'll be wearing a generic adventuring type of and black, and donning my elf ears, cuz I can. If you happen to spot me, please say hi!

Next cosplay events:

Cosplay in the Park (possibly rewearing gunner Yuna!)
Anime USA 2012- Still not sure on the line-up...but I'll definitely have Dancer Faris from FF5!
MAGFest 2013
Katsucon 2013

Stay tuned for more updates :D

Also, if you all could read this and help me out, I'd love you long time <3

Back in 2009, I participated with Limit Break Radio and gamers all around the globe in a charity event for children called Extra Life. In 2012, I'm excited to say I'll be able to participate again!
It's a 24-hour video gaming marathon, to take place on October 20th! It's similar to running a marathon, except I'm playing video games for 24-hours straight! But I need your help! All donations made towards my gaming will go straight to a Children's Miracle Network hospital! If you can donate a dollar per hour ($24) that would be wonderful, but if you can't donate that much, any amount will help! Please follow the link below and click "Support Me!" (Also, if I reach $200, I get a T-shirt :D) Thanks everyone, so so much!!…

© 2012 - 2025 ValNika
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smithers456's avatar
Hi Valerie, my wife Sue and I went to the Michigan Renaissance Festival last Sunday (Sept 30th) and had a great time!! I imagine that you had a great time!! :)