ValliantCreations's avatar


Kathryn Valliant
329 Watchers189 Deviations

Still alive!

1 min read
I've been busy with work for forever, and haven't had tons of time for personal art.  Loving my job, loving the Bay Area, having fun every day.  

I have a few personal pieces (drawing of the day type things), but I need to get around to posting them.  Because I am lame.

Just wanted to let people know I'm not dead. ;)

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If I didn't get sick on Thursday and stay out Friday.

The job itself, though, promises to be totally awesome.  I've loved everyone I've met so far, the food is good, and I get a healthy commute in the bargain (2 miles of biking + 4 miles of walking... or 6 miles of biking, if I feel like bringing my bike on the train).  

Looking forward to starting a new week, though. ;D

Journal Skin by Thewinator and FacundoDiaz
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Got a new job~

2 min read

I'll be a UI Artist full time in Redwood Shores, CA.  :D   And I <3 the company (Storm8) - totally fun work environment with a startup attitude.  Huzzah!  It'll be nice to have health insurance again.  :o

Journal Skin by Thewinator and FacundoDiaz
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2 min read

Currently freelancing for a company down in L.A. (still living in Santa Clara - it's an online thing) - and it's an awesome job, coming up with monster designs for the company Tiny Tim Games' fantasy game (not yet released).  They basically said 'draw us cool things vaguely like these (insert references), but in the style of the Hawse design you did'.  And I was like, 'CAN DO.'

Journal Skin by Thewinator and FacundoDiaz
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2D / UI work

2 min read

I've been adding a lot of 2D and UI to my gallery - this is for the purposes of job-hunting.  I had a ton of fun revamping my resume, and now that that's done I'm going to be working on my Flash skills, as they're a smidge rusty (and I learned on Flash when it was still Macromedia.  I've got a bit of catching up to do...).  

Though my internship I found that I really enjoy doing 2D and UI, so  I'm beefing up my portfolio so that I can land a job doing it.  

I recently participated in the Global Game Jam.  I'm soooo doing it next year.  It was extremely fun and pretty stressful, all in one go.  ;)  Sadly, the game my team made hasn't bee uploaded anywhere (I don't even have a playable version), so I can't link it.

Still in California, still having a blast.  :)

Journal Skin by Thewinator and FacundoDiaz
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Still alive! by ValliantCreations, journal

First week of new job would have been awesome... by ValliantCreations, journal

Got a new job~ by ValliantCreations, journal

Updateness by ValliantCreations, journal

2D / UI work by ValliantCreations, journal