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Birthday by ValkyrieFan345, literature

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Birthday by ValkyrieFan345, literature

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Hooray! Art Features! by IbFan0111, journal

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Apr 15
  • Singapore
  • Deviant for 11 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (6)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!

Favourite Movies
Wreck-It Ralph
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Indigo Adults
Favourite Gaming Platform
Halo/Blacklight Retribution/Perfect Dark Zero
Other Interests
EDM Producer/DJ enthusiast
Hello followers! ^^ As promised,today I'll like to share my take on the previous owner's views of her controversial upload,"I HATE RULE 34".Of course,like back then,I'm expecting to receive some feedback and comments on my take,and well,everyone is indeed entitled to their opinions! This is mine,and I'm going to stand up for what I believe in ^w^Personally,like her,I'm not cool with Rule 34,or any sorta fan service.I think that it changes how you perceive the original character the next time you see them in a very,very bad way >:( Not everyone has strong minds (like me and her) and its not that we look up Rule 34 images of any kind! That's...
anonymous's avatar
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    Recently,the post on the anti Rule 34 picture the previous owner left,started becoming alive again,and well,I'd like to personally address this issue on my personal opinion....stay tuned for that!! (And also more art X3)
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To all my followers....I am sorry. Words can't describe how regretful I am that...I kept many people here waiting,and heck,I even promised that I will be uploading new stuff since the previous update.Allow me to explain.I just recently graduated from secondary school here and now I'm waiting to enter polytechnic.Last year was really something for me.It was a time of stress and I struggled to reach my finals...There are many things I regret from last year,but all I can do now is add it to the load I carry and move on. It is hard moving on in life...especially now.But I will try my best to continue,because trying is always th...
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Profile Comments 25

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Firestorm0110's avatar
watched and faved some work, the Blake poster was my favorite!!!
ValkyrieFan345's avatar
Hehe,thanks!! Looks like Blake finally saw how cute she looked like back then!! >w<
Firestorm0110's avatar
XD I wonder what little Yang and Ruby and Weiss look like... maybe we'll find out in Volume 2!!
ValkyrieFan345's avatar
They should have shown little Weiss in this volume when she was recalling her childhood story.As for Ruby and Yang,most probably in the next volume,since we need to know why the different names :D
Azot2024's avatar
Hi! I need you little help :) (Smile)
Can you +fav this work…
I participate in art`s competition.
Thanx a lot! I faved you work too!
ValkyrieFan345's avatar
Done!! I love that night pic you made,really cool and has this psy trance feel
FinalZenoblade's avatar