H is for HappinessValentineKills on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/valentinekills/art/H-is-for-Happiness-96506855ValentineKills

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ValentineKills's avatar

H is for Happiness



happiness, n. --1: a state of well-being and contentment; also: a pleasurable satisfaction


I don't think the dictionary definition does HAPPINESS much justice. They didn't mention things like joy, euphoria, giddiness, ecstasy.

Carrie Underwood. I'm particularly proud of her left hand, although I showed my mom the picture and she liked the right hand better.

To each his own.

Next... I!! :w00t:

Mechanical pencils.

EDIT 1: I tinted it black and white :o

EDIT 2: Signed it!! :headbang:
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1651x2201px 1.18 MB
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Vipra-Ur's avatar
Wish you to use this letter every day in the sence!