UKISS Guesting from Party Pilipinas show to the CONCERT was super JJANG~~~im still not recovering (and BEAST later...rawwwrr)
remmbering the boys could it be so CLEAR and NEAR?and Kiseop was and always love and i even shouted EUNHYUK when he was so near to me (but for sure he didn't hear it) and the smile was ♥really,i can see Hyuk everytime i saw him,but don't get me wrong, i love kiseop on his on way and that BUBBLE FACE♥and SOOHYUN really caugth my attention.the VOICE?WOWOWOWOWOWOW~and he has the BIGGEST SMILE last night ♥ ^_^
here's the fact..XANDER is a FILIPINO...sort Soohyun love but ME~~~ang landi ni ELI sa abracadabra...ang CUte ni Kevin sa GEE and Kiseop was just LOVE all the timeand the ABS!!!!!!!!!~~
used our Flag from PP to d helps so much when
alexander_0729 sang BEBOT with Eli~woah!!NOYPI~love it some moments from the concert~~~
ELI: $(*@&*@& pointing to the fans... XANDER: i know you like "Filipino GIrls" (basta un) hahahahahaha.... Xander was so talkative last nyt.
Soohyun sang NOBODY BUT YOU, while everybody was so busy taking pictures, Carla (waving her lightstick) and Me (waving my FLAG) and concentrating at Soohyun's perf at the CENTER DANCE FLOOR, pointed at us to the HIGHEST LEVEL!~~~~~ ♥
XANDER: blahblah and MO TWISTER called US???? FANS: GAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!! (all laugh) and then Kevin acted as the craziest girl ever!~~~~ O.O
and oh!my friend and her sistah was SUPER DUPER LUCKY~~~they checked-in in the hotel where UKISS was staying here in the Phil. and guess what???they got the same FLOOR and BUILDING..they even saw the boys just walking and running at the hotel hallways and even rode at the elevator WITH THEM!!!gossssh!!! so lucky.... ♥