uuteki's avatar


College is suffering
44 Watchers36 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Apr 2
  • United States
  • Deviant for 6 years
  • She / Her
My Bio

Tiny Heart Emoticon by Gasara A 20 year old college student hoping to have a fun page to post my art to. Pixel Heart Speech Bullet by Momoko-chu

Tiny Sweatdrop Emoticon by Gasara My style may vary depending on my mood. I like to draw people more than anything, but drawings may come as anime/cartoon/realistic. I hope you like it!

Tiny Heart Emoticon by Gasara Nice to meet you!

Tiny Sweatdrop Emoticon by Gasara My current art schedule:
Tiny Heart Emoticon by Gasara Trying to post twice a week! BUT COLLEGE CONSUMES ME

AT OPEN Status button - FREE TO USE by Rueile RQ CLOSED Status button - FREE TO USE by Rueile CM OPEN Status button - FREE TO USE by Rueile

Favourite TV Shows
Boku no hero, Steven Universe, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Parasyte, Food Wars, etc.
Favourite Games
Persona 5, Danganronpa, Stardew Valley, ARK, Maplestory, etc.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Laptop and Tablet
Hey everyone!  Now that I'm back and drawing more I also started a twitch where I'm going to stream drawing and gaming  The link to check it out and follow is: https://www.twitch.tv/uutekiart I stream on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 6...
anonymous's avatar
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   So college and moving weighed more of a toll on me than I initially expected!   I am currently working on 3 different art pieces at once (which is probably another factor slowing my upload time)...one is a realistic art piece for a family member w...
anonymous's avatar
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So, I'm on the deviant art app (which seems oddly formatted, but that could just be because I'm not used to it) because the internet provider at where I'm staying currently has completely dropped the ball. I've had no internet since Thursday afternoon except for the data on my phone. Unfortunately, I don't have unlimited data or anything so I have to be conscious of what I do.  Because of this, there may be a delay in my posting.  I try to post something every Sunday as well as one day during the week, but because of the internet issues I'm not sure when I will be able to upload next. I don't have a whole bunch of watchers, but I thought I...
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Profile Comments 64

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Ryonosuke00's avatar
Happy Birthday:) (Smile) :) (Smile) 
jmsf-co's avatar

Thanks for adding <a href=" https://www.deviantart.com/jmsf-co/art/Little-witch-with-her-cat-818694130 "> Little witch with her cat</a> to your favorites

Ryonosuke00's avatar
Thank you for the llama
You're welcome magic by Ryonosuke00  
lilmisskayla's avatar

thanks for the fav! ^^ <3

Flowfell's avatar
Galarian Obstagoon by Flowfell
Thank you so much for the favourite! <3
Consider watching me if you like my art
You can also find me on twitter and tumblr where I post daily there too C:
DBRanger09's avatar
Welcome to the :iconthe-phantom-thieves: group!
3wyl's avatar
Hello! :wave:

:iconprojectcomment: has been an active group for 9+ years to help support artists like you, so welcome to our group! :heart:

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Spare :points:? We appreciate any and all donations made to CommentOutreach! All points will be used as prizes for ongoing projects - to inspire and motivate members to interact with one another in the DeviantArt community. :love:

Overall, we hope you have an awesome time in our group! :typerhappy: