Deviation Actions
Read about them and personal always love Bloom as a character but always thought of her older and getting into trouble along side with her sister Applejack. Sorry for any spelling errors. It getting late.
"Apple Bloom! Are you here. You did not show up to the crusade meeting so we came by to see if everything is ok?" Scootaloo ask loudly as she and Belle enter the farm house.
The girls hear some noise coming from the closet so they slowly open it. Inside was Bloom tightly frog tied on the floor with rope and her wrist bound behind her back. Some cloth was wrapped around her mouth to keep her quiet.
Bloom try to warn them of the two man behind them but it was too late. The three girls were walk out into the barn where the three girls were tightly bound at the wrist, ankles and around their chest. Tape was slap over their mouth to keep them quiet. "This will keep you 3 out of the way while we finish stealing this years golden apple harvest." The one villain say as the bag was knotted and then pulled into the air.
"Dude, that one pony. I know I seen her before. I just can not put my finger on it at the moment." he says.
"It will come to you later then. At least in the barn no one will walk on them for now unlike in the house. So let finish up." The two leave the barn. The girls struggle best they could but it was hopeless. Hour later the men came back and lowered the bag. The girls look at them wondering what they were going to do next.
"Seems I do remember you. Belle right. You worth some good money to your family so we decide that you coming with us but you other two. Let just say are going to have a tragic accident." The villain says as his partner drags a chest into the barn with the words "Trixie Escape Tricks"
"Dude look what I found in the house. Everything we need to make sure they behave and we can put Belle into the chest and take her to our Hideout in Bluff Mountain Pass." he says.
"You stupid mule. You just told them where our hideout is. I was only scaring them with the accident but now I going to have to." the villain says. Soon the villains empty the contents of the chest. The men order the girls to strip down to their underwear and gave each a latex straight jacket to slide into. "This Trixie woman must be a real pro to have such things in this chest."
Another woman comes into the barn and ask the guys what taking so long. "Help use with these restraint then if you want to get out of here." one guy says. Soon each of the villains took one of the young ladies and started to pull and lock all the straps on the straight jacket tightly. "I remember you three girls when you were just young fillies and now look at you. You really grown up to be cute young ladies." he says taking a quick feel of the Bloom's breast.
"STOP IT YOU BASTARD. You never going to get away with this." Bloom yells at him. The other two join in their protest as the jacket started to hug the girls like a second skin.
"It about time to shut you 3 up." woman says coming back with 3 ball gags. "But first, since you 3 got such big mouths, I think we need something a little extra." she says as she pulls out a knife. The 3 girls were in shock as she saw the knife. "Don't worry, I just to cut those panties off before I pull that crotch strap up tight and lock it too." The other two figured out what was going on. Each of the girls' panties were remove and shoved into their mouths and then secured with the ball gag and pad locked. Soon the girls ankles and knees were strap tightly together. Two men pick up Belle and place her into the now empty chest and shut the lid. The woman looks at the men and instructed them to take the chest to the van and I will meet you shortly.
Bloom and Scootaloo each were strapped to thin poles in the center of the barn. The woman take a flare and ties a rope around it. Then throws the rope of the beam above her. The flare swung slightly over a few feet off the hay cover floor. "So sorry girls, but it best to leave no witnesses. You understand." Bloom and Scootaloo struggle and scream at the woman from behind their gags. "Sorry, no witnesses." she lights the flare. "It should take hour before it drops and set this barn ablaze." the woman explain as she tightens the girls leather neck collars. "Bye girls."
30 minutes have pass. Bloom and Scootaloo struggle and scream for help but seems no one will come. They thought they were doom when suddenly. Scootaloo heard the pole she was strap to started to crack and brake. Three more minutes, it broke and Scootaloo fell the ground. Lucky they did not lock the straps to the pole since they seem to loosen allowing her to get free of the pole. But Bloom was still tight bound to the pole and she knew she had to help her but how. Then Scootaloo notice a pail and came up with idea. As time tick by so quickly it seem and progress of reaching the pail took forever, Scootaloo reach the pail and lucky it was full of water. Bloom was screaming for her to hurry as the flare only had 10 minutes before it dropped. Scootaloo did her best slow pushing the pain with her feet. Just as the flare drop, Scootaloo with a quick lucky push, slide the pail under the flare were it drop into and was put out by the water. The two were saved but they were still locked in their hot straight jackets. Took over hour for Scootaloo to reach her clothes so she could pushes the emergency crusade alert button so help will come.
Hour later Babs Seed shows up looking inside the barn where the crusader alarm are going off. "OMG what happen." Seed runs in to free her friends. But there was a problem, there were no keys to undo the locks. "Where is Belle?" Bloom try to explain but being so tight gag, Seeds could not figure out what she was saying. Bloom hop over to an old bell on a hook and lifts it with her head and started to hop away. "Oh they took Belle with them. But do you know where." The two started to mumble where they were hiding at but again Seeds could not figure out what they said. But she had idea.
Now riding down the street, Seeds was off down the road with Bloom laying in the cart behind her. Seeds instructed Blood to use her eyes to get direction where to go. Right eye to go right, left eye to go left, close both eyes to go straight and struggle like crazy once there. Meanwhile Scootaloo was in Bloom's house in the living room in case the old girls came back. Maybe they had keys to get her free and let them know what going on.
Soon the two found the hideout. Seeds left Bloom in the cart to get a closer look. Through a window, she could see Belle suspended upside down by her feet in the same straightjacket and straps. Just as she starts to sneak off she bumps into one of the villains. Now Seeds was stripped down to her underwear and was mummified in two layers of bandages and a layer of duct tape from the bridge of her nose right down to her toes. Laying to her was Bloom and Belle was still suspended above them. "What are we going to do now?" one of the villains say.
"Put you head between your ass and kiss it good bye, sugar." Applejack yells at him from behind. You do not know how long I waited for this day to kick you ass for leaving me bound in my house last month. The villain turns around thinking it was only her. But was shocked to see Applejack was not alone.
The police came to pick up the 3 broken villains. They were so happy to get away from Applejack after she got done with them. The older girls went to Bloom room and check in on the four crusaders. Two girls were placed onto each bed facing each other. "What you 4 did was dangerous but brave. You could of really got hurt and die." Rarity says as she tighten straps around each of the girls bodies to keep them facing each other. The girls struggle and whimper behind their gags for them to free them.
Rainbows took some fishing line and binds the girls' gags together by the straps in front of the gag. "We would love to free you right now but... Trixie only one with the keys for her restraints and will not be back until tomorrow night or following day." Rainbow giggles. The girls started to pile out of the room one by one.
Applejack smiles at them "Again that was brave of you girls. And we decide you are old enough to join us older girls now in our adventures. Good night." Applejack turns the light out and goes down stairs.
"So how long are we going to leave them like that." Trixie says giggling.
"I say at least until tomorrow night." Pinkie shouts out.
Everyone agrees with the idea as they cozy up for the night to enjoy some movies and come up with ideas with initiation for the 4 newest members to their club too.