IH Week ~ Day 7UsaBerryHime on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/usaberryhime/art/IH-Week-Day-7-391680392UsaBerryHime

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IH Week ~ Day 7



Day 7 - Tanabata

So this was a very interesting day! I've only heard the gist of Tanabata from IH fanfics :iconsweatplz: so this was very fun to learn! It was a nice story, though it's sad that if it rains the two can't see each other...

I hope I got the outfits somewhat right! I love the patterns I put on the fabrics if I do say so myself~

I've really enjoyed this project, though it really was a lot of work! And I'd like to thank :iconchiisanahoshi: for introducing the project to me!

Thanks to everyone who supported my this week! I appreciate each and every comment, fave, and watch, it means so much to me!

IH Week Gallery: usaberryhime.deviantart.com/ga…
(c) Tite Kubo
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© 2013 - 2025 UsaBerryHime
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Starman1999's avatar
Wow. I love Orihime's long skirt.