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"She is an artistic magician who manipulates dolls with magic and makes it appear as if they were alive..." - Perfect Memento in Strict Sense

I'm free for a couple of weeks ^^ so figured I'd take this opportunity to finish off this Alice piece I've been working on for a couple of days now (weeks if you follow me on Twitter ><)
Tried a new coloring style with this one and pretty happy with how it turned out... plus I got it printed out in A4 size and looks so good just hanging up in my wall ^^
It's a really good feeling to print your own work and display it in your own house/room to either admire or see the progress you've gone through over time
As for the pic... meh Alice has always been a favourite of mine to draw... this one making the 3rd time I've drawn her xD PROBABLY MORE TO COME

Anyway - got this out on Christmas day (For some Timezones) so pretty happy with that ^w^ so to conclude - I hope you all have a great Christmas and a great new year and I'll see you in the next piece I make ^^
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2480x3508px 3.08 MB
© 2016 - 2025 Uruta
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AlwysbCreative's avatar
So cute! Great job!