Harbour Summer PrincessUruta on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/uruta/art/Harbour-Summer-Princess-653818417Uruta

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Harbour Summer Princess



I am.... However, I will revive again no matter how many times... because, I absolutely will not let you pass this place.... - Harbour Summer Princess

Now that I'm on work leave and uni doesn't start up until Feb I'm drawing like a madman xD Anyway, I've been trying out this new color technique for a while and it seems to be working pretty well (mainly just lineart everything else and watercolor the hair afterwards on a separate layer)

Harbour Summer Princess was one of the bosses I missed unfortunately but hopefully she will be back and I'll have my chance to face her again so this is to you

Anyway thanks everyone for the continued support, I'm sorry im still not very active (still based mainly on Twitter now ><) but I'll be bringing out more drawings over the next 2 weeks ^^

Until then have a good one guys and gals~ ^^
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