Flight Rising size charturopygid on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/uropygid/art/Flight-Rising-size-chart-417687861uropygid

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uropygid's avatar

Flight Rising size chart



all the cool kids are doing them, right? anyway I wanted to make a size chart for my own reference, if nothing else! for the most accuracy I used the official art and just manipulated the dragons to stretch out their spines. the human silhouette is 1.83m/6'.

individual size references for dragons can be found at the following links:
-Skydancers, Mirrors, Snappers, Ridgebacks & Imperials
-Spirals, Fae

dragon species are property of Flight Rising and the original art of each dragon belongs to :iconneondragon:!
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2500x1185px 864.67 KB
© 2013 - 2025 uropygid
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Pkzlr's avatar

Noticed this is a little outdated, so I decided to fill in the blanks, using my own dragons for reference.

-Banescales are about as big as Snappers

-Goalers are a bit smaller than Guardians

-Nocturnes are similar to, maybe a bit bigger than, Pearlcatchers

-Coatls are bigger than snappers (but not as big as Gaolers)

-Bogsneaks are somewhere in between Coatls and Snappers, maybe closer to the former

-Veilspuns are about as big as faes

-Obelisks are about as big as Guardians

Keep in mind, individual dragons also have individual sizes, so these might be a bit off.