Well aren't you coming?UponAStarr on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/uponastarr/art/Well-aren-t-you-coming-419008636UponAStarr

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Well aren't you coming?



Gosh it's morning already, she thought. Paige hadn't quite noticed how long she had been chatting to Sera, she did have to admit she was rather tired and hadn't slept much that night due to her nightmares. "You're right, perhaps it would be wise to get some rest" she said as she began to make her way out of the lake her hips swaying as she went and shaking the water out of her mane.

She was a little surprised he had asked her to join him, but she wasn't going to say no it wasn't everyday she company and was quite enjoying the presence of this stallion. Paige looked over her shoulder to Sera who was still in the water "

Well aren't you coming?" she said smiling lightly


Wow it's been a while...so sorry for the inactivity life has just kind of taken over everything.
But I have still been keeping tabs on all my friends here on dA, and I'm proud of all of your progress.

Recently I made a new friend here, many of you may know her as the ever lovely and talented :iconpushingdaisies96:.  She has been such a pleasure to roleplay with, and recently she drew me this wonderful fanart of one of the scenes of out roleplay (do check it out if you haven't already uponastarr.deviantart.com/art/… and inspired me to make the time to pick up my pen again.  I'm quite a bit out of practice, but I hope you like it dear :heart:


Reference Used
Seraphinus (c) ~UponAStarr
Paige (c) *Pushingdaisies96
Image size
1000x659px 441.1 KB
© 2013 - 2025 UponAStarr
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TakingYourBreath's avatar
They look so cute together! :D