The Masqueradeunyko on DeviantArt

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The Masquerade



The Masquerade would be a high-toned party, with plenty of wealthy merchants who had made their fortunes long ago on the backs of better men. There would be dancing, and those tiny tidbits of food the ridiculously wealthy somehow still got fat nibbling, and there would be costumes. This was the main selling point, in Cutter's opinion. He'd always wondered what it would be like to mingle with the rich and powerful, without being arrested and hung.
That was always the big drawback to being a pirate. Rich men didn't particularly enjoy their boats being relieved of whatever valuables they transported. But it was a living, and Cutter wouldn't have given it up for all the tiny 'or-dervs' in the world. Besides, it was really the only life he knew, having grown up with his father as first mate aboard the Succession.
Still, it was pretty fun to get all dressed up. The rags he called clothes didn't hold a candle to these fancy duds Aise had managed to get her paws on for him.
"No one will expect a pirate dressed as a pirate," she had announced. He didn't quite see the logic in that, but decided to go along with it. Especially since no self-respecting pirate would be caught dead in such finery. Or possibly, he would be caught. And then dead.
Ah well. At least he was going to thoroughly enjoy himself tonight. Dancing, sampling... pilfering... The coat and vest (and cape) he wore had been altered to conceal several small pockets. Hopefully, by the end of the evening, no one would be the wiser for his having absconded with a good portion of their valuables.
Oh yes. This would be fun.

~ ~ ~

Name: Cutter
Age: 19
Dimension/World: Lliyani

Tools: pencil/paper for initial sketch, then SAI for the linework and colors. :3
Image size
923x1282px 936.25 KB
© 2011 - 2025 unyko
anonymous's avatar
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jkatkina's avatar
I am so in love with his sass and color scheme. The lighting is also so excellent! Particularly on his boots, you've got those folds perfectly.