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About me
Many opportunities have presented themselves during the course of my life. Each one of them have been carefully examined and considered for further pursuit. One such opportunity was the start of my home business. It has taught me economics, finance and to appreciate the value of a dollar. I intend to write a book in the near future to spread the knowledge because it is not about me; it is about teaching others and growing.
I have a considerably large repertoire of skills, but graphic design and communication are my passion. I could have chosen any other career but even after two years of being absent for military service, but I came back to Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University to finish up my degree in graphic communication.
Serving my country as a Staff Sergeant in Iraq with the US Army, I seized leadership opportunities, which facilitated my minor in print management. There have been good and bad times, but the most important attribute I have acquired is to keep calm under deadlines and pressure. In the future, I will look back on these achievements and continue to improve.
What I do
I have been able to combine my fine art background with the computer technical expertise to vision what the client’s needs. My design process helps individuals identify who they are, their uniqueness and target of their business. I combine research, verbal communications, and sense of aesthetics to design solutions.
Ten years worth of fine art are reflected in my designs. I started to paint and understand creativity at a very early age. I also studied under some great, nationally known fine artists and illustrators until age 14. From there, I auditioned for a closed program at a performing arts high school, which had me knee-deep in fine art for my entire high school.
Through my design process, I embrace color, typography and design. It is just not about going into Photoshop and creating but laying out a foundation to empower the final product.
It is all about the face-to-face interaction and understanding the clients’ goals. This helps me create visuals that convey an effective message, represents the personality and identity of the client/business. My method and style of creating, listening, and collaborating with the client builds trust and a positive working relationship. I always say I sell smiles. If the client is not happy, I did not do my job.
Current Residence: FLORIDA
Print preference: CYMK
Favourite genre of music: Dub-step, classic rock, metal, funk
Favourite style of art: POP
Operating System: PowerPro, MacBook Pro 10.6.8 19 gigs in all
MP3 player of choice: Shuffle