Zakotober Day 31Unseeli1Side on DeviantArt

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Zakotober Day 31



Zakotober Day 31 Finality! Okay you can tell, the quality of my art goes steadily down the longer into Zakotober I got. This was an interesting experiment into trying to get faster and faster with my art, but I think it ultimately came at the cost of my art's quality and has made me fully realize something. I want to take longer with my art.

I have a backlog of works I made over the last month for other projects and that backlog will be posted every week until I run out. But once I run out, weekly uploads are over. I'll post a WIP or preview of my art and then the finished piece a week after, meaning only one new piece/comic every 2 weeks.

I don't think i'll ever do a month challenge like this again. . . wait. OH RIGHT THE DRAWING ITSELF. Uhh yeah, the Nuupsi Clone and Thaumutech Homonculi both escaped and became a family together. It's my opinion that no matter how bad things get, no matter how much you've done, there is always a chance to change, be better and find a happier place in life. I do not believe in the no hope scenario, because if the last 10,000 years of human history has shown, people are remarkably stubborn when it comes to giving up hope.

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1600x1080px 288.64 KB
© 2024 - 2025 Unseeli1Side
anonymous's avatar
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A nice happy ending to the month. :)

Totally understandable to take a break after such a crazy busy month.