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anonymous's avatar
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TerrianJunkie's avatar

Group Beware there is a CyberBully and Thief amongst you user WickedGothicKitten as been stalking, stealing, bullying and harassing multiple artists here on DA and other Websites for Almost a Year. 

This User is a known liar and manipulator and has gone by several usernames to try and avoid "The Haters" including but not limited to:   SilviaTheHedgehog, CrystalizedHedgehog, EmberDelirious Gothic-Jackel-Cutie & most recently WickedGothicKitten.  

This woman claims to have "Autism" and uses her "autism" as an excuse to steal, stalking, bully, harass and Death Threat people.  And now she has added selling stolen artwork as “adoptables”  to her list. 


This User has for a YEAR posted slanderous material about a dear friend of mine, stolen from Multiple Artists, made Death Threats towards people who told her to stop, sold stolen artwork for Profit, and continues to be unrepentant in her immature actions.

Below are Multiple Journals documenting her Crimes



Report This Thief

ART THEFT: EmberLovesDelirious

ART THIEF: CrystalHedgehog / EmberLovesDelirious

A Well-Deserved Call Out on Crystal

I highly recommended Black listing and Banning her from your group and all your affiliated groups before she starts Trouble. If she is here, she is looking to steal from your members and profit off their hard work. 

EvanVizuett's avatar
Hetchtechmechanic's avatar
All the folders seem to be full
Sukala-AP's avatar
Folders are full.
SoubiVee's avatar
 *Open auction *

Chibi Adopts 8/8 OPEN by SoubiVee
Aqurium's avatar

this is an old drawing Wing (left) 3D Llama Badge Wing (left)   *why did i put emogis-