
Only cool peeps make comics.
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anonymous's avatar
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an1610's avatar
...is photograps of pages accepted? Because I don't have scanner
BaBaBhalu's avatar
My comic is brand new.. does it belong here? Or is this more for people who have been trying to get noticed for awhile?
NeonMeres's avatar
Thank you for letting me join!
black-dog2008's avatar
thank you for accepting me!
comicsauthor's avatar

“Halfpenny Dreadful Comic Publishing” is seeking writers & artists who enjoy producing punk pulp fiction. What IS punk pulp fiction? Think Crumb, Burroughs and the Sex Pistols. Then wonder what THEY might have produced if they’d pulled out all the stops! But be warned! HDC Publishing is looking for writers and artists who don’t mind working their fingers to the bone for no upfront payment. Just the dim hope that, one fine day, they’ll become rich and famous.

Their first job will be to work on the “Halfpenny Dreadful Comic” which is currently awaiting renovation. It was initially created as a bit of fun and put together by someone who has spent over 30 years writing for two major comic publishers here in the UK. HDC will publish satire along with black propaganda of the sort disseminated by the Political Warfare Executive in WW2.


The comic will take great pleasure in targeting the Great and Powerful. But, instead of poking fun at them, HDC will praise these scallywags to high heaven. We will be unctuous, fawning and sycophantic to a level not seen before. Our brand of black propaganda will invest them with impossible and ridiculous qualities. We will drown our victims in a barrel of honey.




Because we want to avoid the threat of litigation. As far as I know praise, no matter how exaggerated, is not considered to be libellous. If it is then HDC can point out that the comic is produced by the Occupational Therapy Department at the Pleasantview Asylum for the Criminally Insane. And consequently enter a please of insanity.


However, before inflicting our work on an unsuspecting public, the creative and highly anarchic team at Halfpenny Dreadful Comic Publishing will need to draw up a plan of action. For example...


(1) Will the Halfpenny Dreadful Comic remain free and serve as a showcase for our morally degenerate writers and artists – or will readers have to fork out their ill gotten gains to buy it?
(2) What are the best publishing options?
(3) Is it worth crowd funding “Halfpenny Dreadful Publishing?”




LeanasArt's avatar
My comic is so weird, none of your folders describes it really ... Of course exept the featured folder. But I think the featured foulder fits for anyone.
Whatever, thanks for accepting me!
gavacho13's avatar
Hi guys, would you be willing to help me fund my Kickstarter?:


Thank you!