Bonapartesaurus rionegrensisUnenlagia90 on DeviantArt

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Bonapartesaurus rionegrensis



Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), Allen Formation, Argentina. A herd of saurolophine hadrosaurids Bonapartesaurus rionegrensis ready to migrate to a new home as their home dries out due to drought. The herd is led by a elderly female, suffering from leg injuries and back wounds. Though painful, but nothing will stop her leading her herd to find their new home.

Bonapartesaurus is one of the few South American hadrosaurs, seems to be closely related to Kritosaurus and Gryposaurus from North America, suggesting that North American hadrosaurs reached to South America via the land bridges connecting the North and South America. The land bridge was formed somewhat during Campanian to Maastrichtian, but  soon disappeared in the Paleogene, and land bridges connecting North and South America never existed until Pliocene. Bonapartesaurus' fossils were found to have leg and tail health problems in a 2021 study.

Update: minor fixes on the nose

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