Deviation Actions
If this or any other item I have and will be posting ‘offends’ you then post a rational, reasonably polite comment stating in objective terms with some evidence, if possible, why what I have said is ‘wrong’ and perhaps we can discuss the issue. If on the other hand all you can rant is ‘god will get you’ or ‘you’re going to hell’ when you cannot even demonstrate that any of your mythological ideas are in fact real then understand that you are simply and strongly proving my very points and that your petty threats are both meaningless and useless.
Be advised that offering quotations of scripture regardless of the source is meaningless and will be dismissed as such unless you can also provide an objective, verifiable demonstration that the deity in question exists in reality. Linking to religious websites that are in no way objective but instead are merely outlets for biased and close-minded propaganda meant solely to promote the blind faith in their version of the mythology in question will also be dismissed as invalid if they are not tied to objective, verifiable evidence supporting their claims. Any rhetorical excuse that boils down to ‘you cannot test / understand / comprehend / etc. god’ is a clear admission that your claims regarding its character, powers, desires and all else are mere fabrications because you have in fact just stated that you do understand / comprehend / tested said deity and determined its character which is contradiction in declared terms.
Take note that refusing to even read this guidance in order to just bark ‘how dare you question my one great truth that I cannot substantiate yet constantly grunt that I’m right just because I say I am’ you will be given no consideration or sympathy at all. However, you will be ruthlessly mocked, savagely ridiculed and intelligently refuted.
all this contradiction is made For the Bible to benefit its followers. Even if they mess up/ in the wrong there will be a verse to prove them right (my opinion). Duck and cover if you use there own words against them during that pride month i couldn’t just watch people sit there and take it I knew their lingo used it I couldn’t see so much hate coming from people. They kept saying God hates this or that I said when does your all loving forgiving god hate. Then I used that do onto others as you would have do onto you. That pissed them off so much (was not my intention)it brought the worst out in them 3 got banned for being so hateful back. It’s in the Bible not to change the word of God and we all know how many times that happened.