Zelray Adopt Auction : Boreas 01 [ O P E N ]UmbraOwl on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/umbraowl/art/Zelray-Adopt-Auction-Boreas-01-O-P-E-N-501302484UmbraOwl

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Zelray Adopt Auction : Boreas 01 [ O P E N ]



Artist Comments

Been a while since I did Zelray's ;v; 
Doing a full body, and a new element~ owo 

Auction Rules
:bulletblack: Reply  to the Highest Bidder Comment!
:bulletblack: Do not resell these characters, this species is mine alone. 
:bulletblack: Serious Buyers Only, please~
:bulletblack: Once you have won the auction I will notify you and send you my paypal/ask you to send points~
:bulletblack: Payment is made in 24 HRS /// Paypal is USD only
:bulletblack: After buying, you will receive the unwatermarked images shown above. 
:bulletblack: Once adopted, character rights are now yours. You can change their hair, attire and gender but not their specific element. 
:bulletblack: Treat them like your own oc~

 Auction Info

Boreas Staff Wielder

Starting Bid: $20 //2000 :points:
* Note that you will get a chibi and their feral form for bidding owo 
Adopt Extras: Cursed Boreas I by NightmareInspections 

Minimum Bid: $1 // 100 :points:  || Bid Here:: comments.deviantart.com/1/5013…

Autobuy: $120 // 12000 :points:
This includes:
  • Images you see here
  • Feral version
  • Two chibis of this character
  • Waist up pic of this character

Element || Ranking ( order from Joyous > Spector > Cursed )

Boreas || Cursed

Sex: Male

Boreas: The unholy offspring of Morgana and Terra. They're capable of handling water and earth spells are creating their own Wind magic. They're also gifted with the power of flight.

HB:  :iconmegane--sama:Megane--Sama - $50

 Species Info

Want to know more about this species? Read up here! 
Zelray Species Info (( Closed Species ))* Please note that these are a Closed Species, which means you may not have my permission to make your own. 
. Z e l r a y .
. What They Are .
A Kemonomimi Vulpini/Fox that are sensitive to their own light given from their body. 
Their masks represent how much energy they have consumed from another Zelray. The more complex the mask is, the more they have killed. 
See Body Builds for more info!
. Masks & Elements .
The Masks are what keep the Zelrays from going blind seeing that their eyes are sensitive to light. They come in three ranks. Joyous, Spector and Cursed. The more skillful they are at using magic, the more complex the mask will look in the end. 
Joyous || The most common and basic face on the masks. 
Spector || Uncommon. This rank has an average stage of magic
Cursed || Rare. This rank has consumed its own kind to the point where they need the mask black to pre

:bulletred: End Date for Auction: December 21st 11:59 PM EST 


Art and Zelray Species Concept © NightmareInspections
Image size
818x1182px 630.85 KB
anonymous's avatar
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Gearyu's avatar
You've stricken me with the wind elements among other things

I hate you ;A; No not really but unf