Eh. I don't know..

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Ulquiorra-Schiffer's avatar
Its not like I have anything GOOD to post, its just that I felt my journal needed an update. A few things of recent for random mental note..

Note 1: Naruto's going to be OVER soon. (The book anyway.) I mean Jiraiya, Itachi along with FOUR other Akatsuki members, Shizune (not that she matters), AND Kakashi are ALL DEAD. Not to mention that Tsunade just transformed into a decrepit old lady.. So, a good handful of all of the strongest ninja are dead and the hokage is probably to weak to even BE hokage. If anything, there will probably be ONE more Arc after the current one. It'll probably be to tie up any loose ends like what's going to happen with the rest of the Akatsuki, and how they're going to fix the now obliterated leaf village.

Note 2: Prototype or inFAMOUS for the PS3? Prototype has what looks like a cooler character AND cooler powers. But inFAMOUS lets you blow more stuff up.. Who doesn't LOVE explosions?

Prototype trailer:…

inFAMOUS trailer:…

Note 3: F.E.A.R. 2.. is scary as hell at night..

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JediNikina's avatar
DEVOOOON!!!! You disappeared!!!! Where'd you go? DDDDx