Pheleus Fogg's gratest moment by Ullyssess, literature
Pheleus Fogg's gratest moment
Pheleus Fogg opened his eyes, and before him, the miracle occurred. Just as he was about to reach the ends of the earth, the sun raised an eyebrow through the curtain of rain, and a shy ray of light illuminated hope. The dense darkness from which the deluge had emerged for years seemed to tilt for a moment.
Then, slowly, he moved the umbrella from his head and dared to face the light directly. Behind him, a distant echo of thunder rumbled with fury, but Pheleus knew that this shapeless chorus was already a dissonance in time, and that the future had just begun anew over the world.
"A fitting moment for a good cup of tea," he thought to himself.
"With a little cloud of milk, Pheleus?" suggested a voice from above.
Pheleus hesitated for a moment, but then decided it was no time to waste such an offer.
"Thank you, Commander. I’d love some; the occasion deserves it," he finally replied.
And that afternoon, seated at a very humble table where a couple of warm buns and two cups of tea
Pheleus Fogg's gratest moment by Ullyssess, literature
Pheleus Fogg's gratest moment
Pheleus Fogg opened his eyes, and before him, the miracle occurred. Just as he was about to reach the ends of the earth, the sun raised an eyebrow through the curtain of rain, and a shy ray of light illuminated hope. The dense darkness from which the deluge had emerged for years seemed to tilt for a moment.
Then, slowly, he moved the umbrella from his head and dared to face the light directly. Behind him, a distant echo of thunder rumbled with fury, but Pheleus knew that this shapeless chorus was already a dissonance in time, and that the future had just begun anew over the world.
"A fitting moment for a good cup of tea," he thought to himself.
"With a little cloud of milk, Pheleus?" suggested a voice from above.
Pheleus hesitated for a moment, but then decided it was no time to waste such an offer.
"Thank you, Commander. I’d love some; the occasion deserves it," he finally replied.
And that afternoon, seated at a very humble table where a couple of warm buns and two cups of tea
Here we are, me and my precious kitten, both keeping a superb moment of silence waiting for the joy to come, and if it doesn't come, we are, me and my precious kitten, both keeping a superb moment of silence, waiting, always waiting...
(Waiting is a silent art.- Oskar Wildest IV)
I would like to thank you for the attention that many of you have given to my photos, and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a better year 2023. Hugs and many kisses to all of you