[OC Training] Jareth's PromUlario on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ulario/art/OC-Training-Jareth-s-Prom-1129942069Ulario

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[OC Training] Jareth's Prom



Nope. No vodka here. Only clean, refreshing water.

(I don't condone underage drinking but teenagers will be teenagers. When I was in high school, some of my classmates would sneak vodka into school in water bottles. Not me, though. I was too much of the quiet, good kid. >_< )

Meganmosier's Stella (with an 80s wine cooler) and A-Kthelittlefairy's Scarlet (with a Shirley Temple) listen intently to Jareth yammering on about alien sharks. He's lucky that there's some other science nerds at the party that won't get bored listening to him,

AlleycayCY's 15 year old Ael is the one with the 'water'.

Other characters belong to @MeganMosier @A-KTheLittleFairy and @AlleycatCY

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CK-Hollows's avatar

I could def chill with drinks and listen to an infodump on alien sharks lol. They look like such a classy bunch!