[Commission] Virgile - Music Based DesignUlario on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ulario/art/Commission-Virgile-Music-Based-Design-569007720Ulario

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[Commission] Virgile - Music Based Design



An example of my new "Song Based Blind Character Design" commissions where I am given a song by the client as inspiration for a character design. Then I sit down and really "listen" to the song and draw the character that forms in my head based on the mood, tempo and tone of the song (not necessarily the lyrics... although they do help inspire).

Owner: Stygma
Species: Crow Creature
Song Inspiration: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ip1ir…

+Small Animal Companion
Image size
619x801px 132.96 KB
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Tiamatshapeshifter's avatar
Getting an: Egyptian god of... vibe from this, which doesn't mean it can't be one of their minions or something. Keep up the good work. Faved.