Glass Cage Fight - Angie vs Audrey 03UCLing on DeviantArt

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Glass Cage Fight - Angie vs Audrey 03



Angie was so enamored with the whole presentation that she barely realized she was now in the enclosure, standing near her menacing opponent.  And the moment the glass door sealed shut and the bell rang, Audrey swiftly and expertly slid in and rocked the brunette with a vicious punch to her jaw, causing a quick stream of blood to fly from her mouth as she dropped her phone to the floor. The crowd erupted as they knew they were in for a treat.

Before Angie could even get her bearings straight, a crippling punch to her gut forced the wind out of her diaphragm. A loud groan was all she could muster as her abs were on fire. Audrey wasted no time in her follow-up though as she twisted her hips while launching a brutal elbow to the side of the brunette’s face. The trained killer was now working her sentient punching bag with her combo routines, forcing Angie to reel around like a drunken sailor in anticipation for the next move.

She didn’t have to wait long though, as she felt the impact and pressure of Audrey’s foot slam right into her body. A spew of blood and saliva ejected from the influencer’s mouth as she staggered back from the crushing blow. Her eyes were now welling up with tears, her vision blurred as she tried to make sense of the pain she was feeling, but things would only get worse as she witnessed the blur of muscular destruction weaving towards her. And before her vision could even clear, a right cross from the auburn-haired beauty met with Angie’s face, breaking her nose in a spray of blood in the process, blood which spattered on her menacing opponent and the walls of the glass structure, adding to the brutal effect that the satiated crowd ever so desperately desired.

Previous:  Glass Cage Fight - Angie vs Audrey 01 by UCLing


Mature Content

Glass Cage Fight - Angie vs Audrey 07 by UCLing

Audrey is my OC

Excellent story by rtashkin5 

Commission done by Adinaleen

The full image set for this brutal beatdown can be found at their Patreon page here:
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3508x2480px 1.57 MB
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WFF79's avatar

Brunette hottie getting bloodied!!

Wow! 👌🤣