[SAI...tutorial ? ] How I colour Thingsuchuubranko on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/uchuubranko/art/SAI-tutorial-How-I-colour-Things-370028721uchuubranko

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Daily Deviation

July 30, 2013
[SAI...tutorial ? ] How I colour Things by *uchuubranko is the tutorial to go if you want an informative, easy-to-follow and helpful guide to improve your colouring technique! Learn how to add special effects to the background to make your character blend in! A must read!
Featured as part of Manga & Anime Project Educate Week.
Featured by rydi1689
uchuubranko's avatar

[SAI...tutorial ? ] How I colour Things



If you found these helpful, you can support me by buying me a coffee so I can make much more! Love>> ko-fi.com/uchuubranko
I will always make tutorials for free.

        I Do NOT own Ayanami Rei, the character! It just happened to be her! XD She's from Evangelion

How I colour characters etc...please download if you can't see it/ or it's slow! :iconpinkballoonplz:

I don't know if to call this a tutorial, so I couldn't settle between "I'm doing like this" and "You do like this" phrases XD

:happybounce: check out this tutorial for SAI TOOLS if you are a beginner with the program >> Tool Settings Tutorial - Paint Tool SAI by MaakuCat
:happybounce: feel free to ask, I'd be glad to clarify something :hug:
:happybounce: feel free to share on websites/etc
:happybounce: crediting if you reference isn't obligatory but appreciated :heart: :tighthug:
:happybounce: it's my way of colouring, you're not obligated to follow sit strictly/ do it like you would do it and help yourself from some parts :nod:
:happybounce: please don't modify, remove credit and / or crop this tutorial

I hope it will help someone....maybe? :iconimsotiredcryplz:

starry sky tutorial : SAI : Starry Sky Tutorial by uchuubranko ; original drawing : faint smile by uchuubranko ; if you want to colour the line : Ayanami Rei - Line by uchuubranko (please don't make it like this ^ :giggle: )

like an alpaca~ :iconlazepacaplz:
I hope you have a wonderful week everyone!! :iconlisbethhugplz:

THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ULTRAWONDERFUL :iconrydi1689: FOR THE DD! :iconohfuckgrandpaplz: :icontearplz: thank you so much for all the support as well! :faint::faint::faint::faint::faint:

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© 2013 - 2025 uchuubranko
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flamehunter742's avatar
Wow, that's actually really helpful. Thank you!