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alan richardson
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Deviation Spotlight

  • Sep 17
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (8)
My Bio

hey my name is alan am 15 i live in durham england and thts it 4 now lol

Current Residence: durham
Favourite genre of music: rock
Favourite photographer: ...
Favourite style of art: MANGA
Operating System: vista
MP3 player of choice: pod nano
Favourite cartoon character: sasuke

Favourite Visual Artist
cheeks-74 and bizklimkit
Favourite Movies
pinapple express/the dark knight
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
kingdom hearts
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
drums karate m8s


0 min read
ok peeps am goin on the hols soooo i wont be on for quite some time thank you for the comments if you give eny and thank for the adds if you add eny thing  ^o)
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new things

0 min read
ok peoples am goin to start working on some new stuff such asamalgam and some marvel stuff and i made sure i woulnt forget wesley gibson/the killer from wanted
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0 min read
people i now have ZBRUSH tadaaaa its a great modeling tool but its reli hard to use so look out for some of my work on zbrush =]=]
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Frostbite883's avatar
DAFrostbite --

Power Rangers Beast Morphers Season Two Episode Twenty Six AU Questions: If while at a park, Steel missed seeing that father punish his daughter for littering, how would everything turn out for everyone today without him being dead set on discipling anyone who were lousy at doing their jobs (even a little bit)?

How would Steel had treated one of Grid Battleforce's security workers, namely Cole, otherwise had the robotic hero not saw what happened at that park?
Frostbite883's avatar
DAFrostbite --

Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers Episode Three ("Climb Every Fountain") AU Questions: If Billy Cranston had gotten his own Power Coin out of the Regenerator (his invention) before Goldar and Rito Revolto stole it away and revealed that he still has his coin to them AND his friends, do you see Billy getting the other Power Coins back after he morphs into the Blue Ninja Ranger to battle Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa's lackeys?

If Billy did, would the gang then be transported back to the Command Center? If he didn't, again, would the gang then be transported back to the Command Center?
Frostbite883's avatar
DAFrostbite --

Power Rangers Zeo Season One Episode One ("A Zeo Beginning, Part 1") AU Questions: If the Machine Empire never attacked Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa (let's say, King Mondo and his forces were too preoccupied with other things that'd need their attention), let alone enter the Milky Way Galaxy, how much fun would the king and queen of darkness have at their castle during the party they were throwing?

What happens when Rita brings up Goldar and Rito Revolto to her hubby, Zedd and wanted him to find them and once he does, he found the two without any memories on who and what they are what so ever?

And finally, what if after Zedd found Goldar and Rito, he also found out that the Power Rangers had gained new powers from the Zeo Crystal pieces?
Frostbite883's avatar
DAFrostbite --

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Season One Episode One ("Super Megaforce") AU Questions: If Troy Burrows, the Red Megaforce Ranger came back to the Command Center carrying a very damaged Robo Knight in toll, how shocked and dismayed would the other Megaforce Rangers be when they saw their friend hurt? Especially if Troy explained that he's losing power fast and could shut down at any moment?

What could the Rangers, Gosei and Tensou do to help their nearly surviving ally?
Frostbite883's avatar
DAFrostbite --

Power Rangers Samurai Season One Episode Sixteen ("Team Spirit") AU Questions: If Mike gave up his humanity and became a Human/Nighlok hybrid so he can get to the Netherworld before his other teammates could stop him, would the Samurai Ranger-turned-monster have a better chance of beating Splitface soon after he head to where the other monster is?

What would the other Samurai Rangers' reactions be after Mike had his decision to save Emily?

What would Antonio's reactions be once Deker told the Gold Samurai Ranger on what happened to Mike once he saw the Human/Nighlok hybrid with his friends?

Finally, how much different would everything be going forward now that Mike's a monster -- In a literally sense?
Frostbite883's avatar
DAFrostbite --

Power Rangers Super Samurai Season One Episode Seventeen ("The Great Duel") AU Questions: If Antonio didn't leave Jayden (as oppose to leaving his friend for a moment while he disappears on him) and still followed him no matter what, what happens when they both run into Deker?

Would Jayden confront the Human/Nighlok hybrid with Antonio by his side?

Or will he prevent his friend from helping him fight the cursed man?
Frostbite883's avatar
DAFrostbite --

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Season One Episode Two ("Quasar Quest, Part II") AU Questions: If Mike Corbett fell down into the crevice with his Quasar Saber, but morphed into the Red Galaxy Ranger and got out of it while falling, what would happen if he and the other Galaxy Rangers (as well as his brother, Leo) fought off Furio and the remaining Sting Wingers, managed to escape on to the Astro Megaship before the remainder of Mirinoi turned to stone and later returned to Terra Venture after all is said and done?

Would Mike had been a great leader of the newly formed Power Rangers if he was declared as such by the rest of the Galaxy Rangers who would look to him for guidance on being a hero?

And what about Mike's brother, Leo Corbett? Would he be a big help for the Rangers somehow (if not a big hindrance) during their adventures?