Animator, Illustrator, sewing crafter, plush doll maker, and now venturing into the world of making jewellery with shrink plastic and polymer clay! I love to create cute and cuddly art, with some realism and oddities thrown in for good measure!
You can visit my Etsy shop here:
You can view my animations here:
Current Residence: Manchester
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Small
Favourite genre of music: Rock/Alternative/Classical
Favourite style of art: Shoujo manga (it looks so pretty...)
Operating System: Lenovo laptop
Music player of choice: Ipod Nano
Personal Quote: Even in the hardest of times, there is an important lesson to be learned.
If you are interested in my puppets and the content of my videos, please subscribe to my YouTube channel
Thanks so much for the fav! n.n