Christian Finnish Royalists Cool Shep Trailer FinnUbe89 on DeviantArt

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Christian Finnish Royalists Cool Shep Trailer Finn



Cdr. Ube Shepard looking stylish and sharp, even if i have a Salarian scientist and a former crime lord as my party i shine in the middle with my blondness.
Yes i am waiting for an drell assasin Thane Krios and a Krogan Warrior Grunt. You can see how the 2 upcoming Christian Finnish Royalists are in a fight by watching this old 3d trailer for Mass Effect 2 :
Official EA UK
Mass Effect 2 : Cinematic Trailer

Green Alien is Drell Assasin Thane Krios and Lizard Alien is Krogan Warrior Grunt, my dream team since Thane is like my BFF the Descendant of Eberhard I The Bearded and i am more like Grunt since i have Psychosis traited personality disorder so i have mental problem and that makes me less smart really so i can only gather wisdom and knowledge since i cannot be a intellectual my brain & my soul just wont let me be normal so i am like a Lizard People ! I am like alien warrior race Krogan ! Only combat and glory matters, nothing else for the tiny brain and tinier tought capacity.

Christian Finnish Royalists

- Bill Hicks The Greatest Comedian of all time, a preacher and the closest to the second coming of Christ

Christian Royalist Finland Ube89 & Descendant of Eberhard I Bearded + Jesus The Christian God Ω
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