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Artist // Digital Art
  • Apr 23, 1992
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • He / Him
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
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Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
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Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1187)
A Look at Signalis (Spoilers) I heard the name of it, I looked up a trailer, and I was sold. Created by a Rose Engine, a team led by two ladies from Germany, the game released in October of 2022. As of this time, their websites states they’ve been making games since 2014 but the only game I can find by them seems to be Signalis. So if this is indeed their first official release then they’re off to a great start. Styled to appear like a PS1 game, the game is a great homage to classic survival horror of yesteryear, but more so Resident Evil considering the use of the item box. And with the right settings, the game makes use of tank controls and a filter to create the blurriness of an old CRT monitor. I was 5 months late to this new addition to survival horror, but I was glad to experience it. I went the root of tank controls and the CRT filter. This game is effective at delivering tone. Level design is claustrophobic and chilling, the cutscenes accompanied with orchestral
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A Look at Tales of Arise (Spoilers) I bought this game upon it’s release, I didn’t finish it until a year later. It wasn’t hard, I just failed the test of patience that is this game. Tales of Arise is Namco Bandai’s latest entry into the long running Tales of series after a five year wait since Tales of Berseria in 2016. Improved visuals, improved combat, improved cinematics, a true step into the current generation of consoles. To an extent, this is all true. Character models look good, combat does offer a little bit more dimension than previous entries, cinematics throughout do have a larger sense of scale and stakes. However, with everything that was gained, something was lost. But first, the plot. There are two planets (Rena and Dahna), one is aristocratic and the other is enslaved. You play as an amnesiac slave who’s head is sealed in an iron mask and he feels no pain, he meets a lady who sends pain through people’s bodies with a mere touch but never takes advantage of that
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A Look At No More Heroes 3 Good Lord, what happened here? I was content with No More Heroes 1 and 2. Did I need a sequel? Not necessarily, I’m aware of Suda’s reluctance towards sequels, he likes to work without restrictions. On the other hand, if I’m offered a No More Heroes game, I will accept the No More Heroes game. The down side, this is a follow up to Travis Strikes Again, more so than it follows up the first 2 games, as far as spirit and tone go. Starting up NMH3, the player feels right at home. There’s call backs to No More Heroes 1, familiar combat, a new aesthetic and enemies to mow down. You beat Mr. Blackhole, get returned to Santa Destroy, get your motivation and are let out into the world. The gameplay loop is the standard affair of these games, earn money, pay your way into murdering some bosses. This time around you’ll be murdering aliens from space. This game made a lot of needless changes. For one, boss levels are gone, by that I mean there’s no level to
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