Favourite Movies
Jurassic Parks 1-3, Jurassic World, Overboard, Family Sins, Little Shop of Horrors.
Favourite TV Shows
Law and Order: SVU, House, Orange is the New Black, My Little Pony, The Twilight Zone, The Golden Girls.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Three Days Grace, Boondox, Insane Clown Possee, Skillet, Pink, Violent J, Five Finger Death Punch, Falling in Reverse.
Favourite Books
Matilda, Naya Nuki, Intensity, Whispers, Shattered, Dean Koontz's Frankenstein Series.
Favourite Writers
Dean Koontz.
Favourite Games
Sly Cooper (1-3), Spyro (Any), Transformice, Kya: The Dark Lineage, Halo (3-4).
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, PS2.
Tools of the Trade
Paint Tool Sai Ver. 1 and good ol' (coloring/graphite) pencils.
Other Interests
Debating, Theatre.