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A day after the dinner I mentioned Orfila under orders becomes Faolan's bodyguard knowing the villagers don't trust him.
I might skip several chapters ahead. They have lunch in a tavern were Orfila rips her meat to shreds. There's a spring scene were his arm is healed, Orfila asks why Faolan didn't mate with her and the two get ambushed by bully werewolves and Faolan with a half-healed arm challenges the leader to a fist fight to protect Orfila from his advances.
But before that I want to do a quick scene with Faolan and Elaine during the mentioned "depression arc".
I might skip several chapters ahead. They have lunch in a tavern were Orfila rips her meat to shreds. There's a spring scene were his arm is healed, Orfila asks why Faolan didn't mate with her and the two get ambushed by bully werewolves and Faolan with a half-healed arm challenges the leader to a fist fight to protect Orfila from his advances.
But before that I want to do a quick scene with Faolan and Elaine during the mentioned "depression arc".
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© 2023 - 2025 Tyrannuss555
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