Hi there~ ! It's Tynaria, please call me Tyna ! ^o^ 18 y-o, and I basically draw mangas and animes stuffs ⭐️ I can speak english, french and japanese ⭐️ Enjoy !
Twitter : @Tynariaa
Favourite Movies
Ghibli movie and Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Books
The Chronicles of Narnia
Favourite Writers
C.S. Lewis
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy, The Legend of Zelda, Professor Layton and Dragon Quest
I know that I am too late... Sorry ! ;p
So ! I was tagged by https://telliestree.deviantart.com/ ! Thank you, Telly xD Rules : 1.) You must post these rules 2.) Answer the ten questions the person who tagged you made and make up your own 10 questions for the people you tag to answer.3.) Choose ten people and put their icons on this journal4.) Go to their pages and inform them that they have been TAGGED! 5.) Not something stupid like 'you are tagged you read this.'6.) You have to legitimately tag 10 people7.) No tag-backs.8.) Can't say, no tags9.) Everyone that has been TAGGED must make a journal entry.
Questions :
1) How are you tod...