tyleramato's avatar


Works for Disney!
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Artist // Professional // Digital Art
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (443)
My Bio

Hi, I'm Ty! I'm an Illustrator and Art Director freelancing in Orlando for ITEC Entertainment and Disney Parks & Resorts. I love animated shows & films but my greatest passion is visual development for entertainment, be it for cartoons or theme parks. It's all awesome.

Favourite Visual Artist
Mucha, Degas, Cunningham, Davinci...
Favourite Movies
Eternal Sunsine of the Spotless Mind
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Passion Pit
Favourite Games
sims 3
Other Interests
India, green, trees, imaginary friends, animals, leaves, green apples (not red), world domination
Hey there (if there are any followers left...) !Just wanted to update and say I'm still working at Disney and drawing more than ever though most of my art is dedicated to secret projects I can't talk about just yet.I'm going to try and post here more frequently but I feel like I've been struggling with deviantART for a while and never quite got the hang of it... I've been making stuff on here for ugh, 8 years? And it just feels like an uphill battle.I post much more frequently on tumblr and instagram if you're interested in following my work there! I hope you all are doing marvelously!!tyleramato.tumblr.com instagram.com/tylerdoodles
anonymous's avatar
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Hey to all you new watchers! (And sorry for lack of updates for you oldies!)I had a hugely stressful last semester at Florida State but I finally graduated! I'm no longer a student and that feels incredibly weird...But on Monday I get to go back to work as a DISNEY artist!! For those who want more details (and to see more frequent art updates) you can follow me elsewhere on the web here:Instagram: http://instagram.com/tylerdoodles Tumblr:  http://tyleramato.tumblr.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtofTylerAmato?ref=bookmarks
anonymous's avatar
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No idea why but a lot of my journals have been deleted for some reason... Anyone having the same issue?In other news, I finished up another semester in school and I just have to say, if you want to become an artist in the commercial, design or entertainment industry, avoid Florida State University at all costs.
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Profile Comments 471

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JesseCoyArt's avatar
Wow. I really like your work. Why haven't I come across you yet?
tyleramato's avatar
Thank you! I've been busy doing art for Disney so I've been neglecting my deviantART for a little while now...
JesseCoyArt's avatar
Disney artists, huh? Must be nice.
Pinkie-Mads's avatar
What art college did you go to?

I wanted to know if you had any advice for a soon to be Junior in Highschool, an aspiring animator/artist for disney (or dreamworks), and is overwhelmed with what she should plan in the future?
tyleramato's avatar
Hi! I went to Florida State University and I absolutely do NOT recommend it. Many students and professors were strictly into the fine art side of things and there were hardly any classes geared towards commercial or entertainment career paths.

The good news is that, as a junior, you have loads of time! Start working on your portfolio right away, draw every single day! Study from life more than anything, you can never do too many figure drawings. There are many wonderful art colleges out there (and some that offer scholarships) that have fantastic ways to connect with animators and art directors at movie studios.  Some of these include CalArts, Ringling, SCAD, and a whole bunch of others.

Apply to animation internships every single summer while you are in university! Even if you don't get it, you can ask recruiters which areas of your portfolio need improvement which is crazy valuable information. The best thing you can do is to be honest with yourself and choose what you want to do. You can't do everything so if you really feel you could do character animations for the rest of your life, practice expressions and gestures! If you feel like storyboarding is more your thing, focus on that! Don't spread yourself thin or people looking at your portfolio won't know what job you're interested in.

I hope this helped, good luck with everything!
Pinkie-Mads's avatar
Thank you!
I am always thankful for help.
Good luck at Disney! :iconpervyfrolloplz: