Deviation Actions
ID: 72860
Species: Tokotas
Breed: Canarctos dulcis
Gender: Male
Mane: Natural
Geno: Ee/aa/tt/MM/CC/AA/nPng/nFl/nPb/nD
Pheno: Marked collared dun black piebald with accents, flecking and pangare
Rite of Fertility: No
Health: Healthy
------------------------------------------ SSS: ID 35628
----------------- SS: ID 41662
------------------------------------------ SSD: ID 37758
Sire: ID 46373
------------------------------------------ SDS: ID 31273
----------------- SD: ID 41890
------------------------------------------ SDD: ID 34078
------------------------------------------ DSS: ID 52289
----------------- DS: ID 53153
------------------------------------------ DSD: ID 43270
Dam: ID 54577
------------------------------------------ DDS: ID 42294
----------------- DD: ID 52964
------------------------------------------ DDD: ID 42252
Design: @Pinky-Poodle