Deviation Actions
ID: 72410
Species: Tokotas
Breed: Canarctos dirus [50%]
Gender: Female
Mane: Rough
Geno: ee/Aa/TT/MM/nC/AA/GG/nSd/nBl/nBr/nS
Pheno: Marked collared greying rose tawny with accents, bearmarks, blanket and saddle
Rite of Fertility: No - Not Breedable
Health: Healthy
Lineage:------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: ID 51566
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: ID 63429
------------------------------------------ SDS: ID 39602
----------------- SD: ID 44095
------------------------------------------ SDD: ID 34749
------------------------------------------ DSS: ID 52634
----------------- DS: ID 53439
------------------------------------------ DSD: ID 52293
Dam: ID 64370
------------------------------------------ DDS: ID 33292
----------------- DD: ID 37863
------------------------------------------ DDD: ID 32659
Design: @Jumperlady