Hadro-Ursa Grizzimalstwoodland1994 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/twoodland1994/art/Hadro-Ursa-Grizzimals-1114677113twoodland1994

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Hadro-Ursa Grizzimals



This is the first time ever, Dino-Ursa Edition.

- Dino-Ursa Grizzimals, It's Bear-Like Chimera Grizzimal Creatures with a name is Inspired by the Dinosaurs. Originally, the fact that Dinosaurs is a Prehistoric Reptiles. But it can use the names for Grizzimals, and make it illusion of the hairier dinosaurs with form of a bears, mixed with birds and mammals' Elements.

Like Mammal Version has Furs on their Bodies and Wings can be Birds of the Feathers and some are Bats. Each species can have a Rabbit’s Arms, Horns of a Unicorns, Beaks of a Birds. It’s all chimera Animal version of dinosaurs. Some can be Carnivores, and Most can be Herbivores. If it does count on Herbivores Dinosaurs.

Hadro-Ursa Grizzimals

A Bear- Like Creatures with Inspired Name of the Dinosaurs: Hadrosauridae. Like Parasaurolophus, Lambeosaurus, and Corythosaurus. Unlike any Sea Grizzimals and Others, They all have Duck-Billed of a Ducks and Some have Mammals like Camels. They all have Horns of Cassowary, Ibex, and Goats. A little bit longer Arms of a Jack Rabbit. Some have a head a Hippo. A Tails are Otters and add a Beaver’s Tail on top of an another tail.

1. Grizzly Parasaurolophus Grizzimal - Colors, Ears, and Form of a Grizzly Bear, Horn of an Ibex, Duck Bill of a Duck, and Tail of a Sea Otter/Beaver.

2. Black Lameosaurus Grizzimal - Colors, Ears, and Form of a Bear, Rooster's Hairdo for a Horns,  Duck Bill of a Duck, Tail of an Otter/Beaver.

3. Polar Corythosaurus Grizzimal - Colors, Ears, and Form of a Bear,  Horn of a Northern Cassowary, Duck Bill of a Duck, Tail of an Otter/Beaver, and Head of a Camel.

4. Moon Saurolphus Grizzimal - Colors, Ears, and Form of a Bear, Duck Bill of a Duck, Horn of a Goat, Head and Neck of a Camel, and Tail of an Otter/Beaver.

5. Sun Maiasaurus Grizzimal - Colors and Form of a Sun Bear, Tail of an Otter, Head and Neck of a Camel, Arms of a Hare.

6. Sloth Hypacrosaurus Grizzimal - Colors, Ears, and Form of a Sloth Bear, Duck Bill of a Duck, Horn of a Southern Cassowary Bird, Tail of an Otter/Beaver, Arms of a Hare.

7. Hippoparasaurus Grizzimal - Form of a Bear, Head of a Hippo, Tail of an Otter, Horn of a Goat.

8. Spectacled Parasaurotterus Grizzimal - Colors, Ears, and Form of a Bear, Horn of a Cassowary, Neck of a Camel, Head and Tail of an Otter.

Created by T.L.

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